Give common user (non-admin) admin rights to install extensions or edit users

Sometimes you need to give a common user some admin rights but without to set the flag admin (named admin-flag or admin-only). As there is no extension which could help, you must edit some core files.

Be sure to make a backup before and after the changes - be sure that after an update of the TYPO3 core your changes are gone.

Edit the file /typo3/mod/tools/conf.php. Change




Now you can see in the configuration of this user group in the tab "Access Lists" below the part "Modules" the item "Admin tools".

To see some sub-items you must change their conf files to and later assign the rights to the special user group in the configuration of that group.

To see "log" you should change the file /typo3/sysext/belog/mod/conf.php. Change




To see "User Admin" you change in the file /typo3/sysext/beuser/mod/conf.php




To see "Templates" edit typo3/ext/tstemplate/ts/conf.php




That a common user can save changes to templates you ought to change also in the file typo3/sysext/cms/ext_tables.php in the part $TCA['sys_template']

'adminOnly' => 1,


'adminOnly' => 0,

To see "Ext Manager" change /typo3/mod/tools/em/conf.php




Later go to the tab "Options" and write in the text area below "TSconfig"

options.clearCache.pages = 1 
options.clearCache.all = 1

so the users of this user group has the ability to clear the cache.

And gave the user groups rights to edit all pages in "Web" and "Access".

Don't forget two things: add the wanted rights to this user group and delete the cache.
