In version 4.4 the TYPO3-Team introduced a new installation method, called "Introduction package". It let's you easily install a full TYPO3 instance. I want to have a look.
Go to There you find more information to special packages and the actual version.
You will be redirected to where the download immediately starts. You may change there to another mirror. I did it, because the first selected mirror was very slow.
You can check that the downloaded files are correct with a file integrity checker tool. Microsoft published "Microsoft File Checksum Integrity Verifier" which you find on
Open the command line where you downloaded the file, write there (Please change paths to your settings)
and compare the checksum.
Copy the zip-file to your document root unzip it there in a folder (C:\xampp\htdocs\introductionpackage_442).
Start xampp especially Apache and MySQL. Direct your browser to
If you didn't create a database before let it does by the wizard. Type the wanted title of the database in the first field. Otherwise search the created database in the drop down box.
Click continue. On my windows system, where Apache and MySQL are real slow it took one minute to see next step.
In step 4 you type in a password and can set a different color for the demo web page.
That's it. Click on "Go to your Website".
It's nice. Isn't it?
Four example users for different purposes are created. So now have a look to backend. Click on "Log into TYPO3". If you want to log on later, direct your browser to
or change the directory according to your configuration.
Insert "admin" in the box "Username" and the password you gave in step 4 in the field "Password". Please don't forget to change the username "admin" later to something more unguessable.
Click on "Login".
This is the start page of TYPO3 back end.
To change the username of the admin, click on "User admin" on the left below "ADMIN TOOLS". On the right detail page you see the list of back end users. There you click on the pencil to open the edit page of admin.
Change the Username to whatever, write a name and an e-mail address to get system-emails.
Then click on the icon for floppy disc above.
To test the changed username for admin log off an on or reload the page. Then you can see the news on the right.
That's it for now. To get an insight of TYPO3 look at the page module and browse through the automatic pages.