mm_forum - which captcha

For a project I installed mm_forum. It is nice, it works more or less out of the box. At one point I get stuck. At the registration process I need a captcha function. In the configuration of mm_forum is a checkbox with whom you can activate the use of a captcha extension but it was not written which extension this could be. There are about 10 extension with captcha functionality.

At least I do understand it. There was written, the "captcha" extension, what pointed out, that there is an extension with the extension key "captcha". And it was ...
this one
Title "Captcha Library", extension key "captcha", version "1.1.1", last update "03-12-09", from "Kasper Skårhøj" and downloaded "20.555" times.

So I installed it, don't changed anything at the installation process. It works out of the box with mm_forum.
